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Old 02-05-2014, 03:02 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 12
Default Upgrading an old DB

I have an old database, from back when the server files were on svn instead of git. My db_version on that db is 2142.

I'm trying to move this db over to a new server using the new source files (from git)

Looking at utils/sql I see that there's both an svn and git folder. Do I need to source all the sql files > 2142 in the svn folder and then source everything in the git folder? Or just the ones in the git folder? Do I need to do anything with bots.sql, botsconvert.sql or mercs.sql (in the svn folder)? I had bots, but mercs weren't an option back then.

Thanks in advance!
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