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Old 03-20-2014, 06:58 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 169

That is what I figured, Maze, even though Dav00d was willing to give me, essentially, a big list of everything that I would need to do it his way, but I'm gonna take the 1 by 1 route because I like to be thorough, especially when it comes to potentially server-breaking items. Those fabled items(@Dav00d) were baller money, and way way way OP for obtaining large amounts of money to buy things like a 2.0 on your old PG server.

Zeldik, I have nothing in the works for a webpage as I'm no expert in that area (or server management haha) but if one were to set up a forum for the server I'd be more than happy to take care of the pricing. Though, now that I think about it, an Austrailian or British fellow did it for me last time for no charge. Just a small forum that I can post changelogs and random bits of info to help new players understand what they're working with.

I will MORE THAN LIKELY finish gear tiers 8, 9, and 10 tonight which means Beta (open to public) MAY start tonight. I've got it connected to the eqemu servers, locked, but I'm able to access it from outside of my own network so it's ready to roll on that end. My internet is retardedly better than it was the last time I did this. Fuck comcast. Sorry for cursing, but I think most would agree.

That said; gonna enjoy this beautiful weather for a while with the girlfriend, then we're coming back to finish said work. You guys get ready as this will be something new for ya to entertain yourself with, and it will be a HUGE learning opportunity for me that will (thank goodness) cover a lot of criteria in A LOT of different areas. Thanks for everyone who has helped so far. No work that has been put in will go unnoticed, or unappreciated.

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