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Old 06-10-2014, 03:20 PM
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Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Omicron Percei-8
Posts: 106

Yes and I believe Windcatcher never upgraded past Windows 2000 while writing OpenZone so it's likely a very old version of Delphi. I don't remember if he made it to Windows XP or not at the time. I'll probably write this from scratch using OZ as a reference for logic and procedures. That's good to know the source is included... I completely forgot about that. I am busy with working on a VS 2012 compile with Zaela's Weapon Model Importer. I've almost got it up and I'm just working on getting LUA 5.2 working. (Several functions deprecated since LUA 5.1 so I am dealing with that).

Once I get this working, I'll try to get zone geometry imported. If I can do this, I may not have to rewrite openzone although it would be nice to be able to place objects, water, lava, particles, etc manually without having to modify the original imported geometry. But first things first, try to figure out the eqg format.
Packet Loss
Current project:
Dark Horizons

Formerly "Richardo"
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