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Old 07-14-2014, 04:13 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 216

Added a barebones model viewer.

Viewer > Start Viewer will launch an independent model viewer window. It will automatically update to display your current selection. The display can also be manoeuvred in various ways via the mouse buttons (bit clunky, but apparently Maya-like).

Just shows the model mesh with the first diffuse texture found within its materials applied. Some later weapons don't show up correctly due to having weird extra different diffuse texture entries. May try to make some improvements later and add normal maps, shininess, etc to the display. Oh, wouldn't work with multi-texture models yet either, but there aren't many of those unless you add your own.

Can also technically be used to view (some) EQG npc models, although the camera is not really geared for it.

I hope to make some usability improvements and a probable bug fix in the near future as well.

P.S. I make no guarantees that an imported model that looks right in the viewer will necessarily look right in-game!
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