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Old 11-13-2014, 01:06 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 189

I think you took my meaning wrong. I didn't mean to say it was only good for new people. I meant it was EXTREMELY helpful for new people. I totally agree with everything you said. The only part I wanted clarification on was the issues that were messing up bots, since there are several servers with bots.

You cleared that up with the blob explanation, as I remember dealing with that in the DB. I really appreciate it. I also used your server pack because, well, it was a hell of a lot faster than doing it in steps, and it would be the same result.

My only other issue was to ask if I was correct about bot implementation being as simple as sourcing in the _bots database and replacing the binaries? I guess I will try it out myself and see instead of asking someone else to figure it out for me LOL.

I will report back with any issues or successes. Thanks a ton for this again!
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