Thread: Build issue
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Old 01-03-2015, 06:24 AM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 56
Default Better

I see what you mean. I checked the lua51.dll and seems I have done things correctly, think I will do a double check from the beginning all the same.

1>------ Build started: Project: zone, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>  lua_parser.cpp
1>..\..\zone\lua_parser.cpp(866): error C2668: 'std::to_string' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
1>          c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string(688): could be 'std::string std::to_string(long double)'
1>          c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string(680): or       'std::string std::to_string(_ULonglong)'
1>          c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\string(672): or       'std::string std::to_string(_Longlong)'
1>          while trying to match the argument list '(const uint16)'
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 12 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
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