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Old 03-06-2015, 08:39 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Texas
Posts: 21
Default Same Issue

I started a new build today and I am experiencing the same issues as OP.

I did not have any luck changing loop back to localhost though. I did the 'mysql -ueq -p' command and resulted in no user being found. I think it actually said that the column was empty. I ran two commands while logged into root on mysql.

CREATE USER 'eq'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'eq';


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'eq'@'localhost';

Now when I run mysql -ueq -peq eq I get "ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown Database 'eq' but if I run mysql -ueq -peq it brings me to a mysql prompt and then if I type in mysql -ueq -peq eq it gives me a -> tabbed over and doesn't allow me to quit, exit, stop, restart, back, or any other vulgarity I type into it so I have to close the window.

I was able to access the database from a new command prompt as -ueq -peq and If I try to manually run world.exe I get:

[World Server] Loading server configuration..
[World Server] CURRENT_VERSION: 1.1.3
[World Server] Added loginserver
[World Server] Connecting to MySQL...
[World Server] Cannot continue without a database connection.

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