Thread: LAN Problem II
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Old 03-25-2015, 08:51 PM
Uleat's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,815

Not sure if you're mixing localhost and LAN IP addresses here.

Essentially, to run a Public login server host, you will need to ensure that all of your config addresses reflect your LAN IP and configure
port-forwarding accordingly (this includes LAN-only with Public login server..though, this will still allow remote users to login.)
The only exception is the database address, which should be
<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to.  (read: You don't) -->
		<!-- <address></address> -->
		<!-- <localaddress></localaddress> -->
Note: If you are using the 'short' eqemu_config.xml file, this entry will not be present. Also, there will be no login.ini file use for a
Public login server host.

If it's a LAN-only with a Private login server, the configuration will be the same as Public..with the exception of port-forwarding configuration.
<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to.  (read: You don't) -->
local_network = 192.168.1.
Note: I used '' as a reference since I don't know the actual index of the host computer.

On a single host-client computer, you can use either your LAN IP or - just be sure to use the same address/network for all servers.
Of course, database should remain here, as well.
<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to.  (read: You don't) -->
local_network = 127.0.0.
Note: If you are using a Private login server, as in either of the above two cases, you will need to use the 'full' version of
eqemu_config.xml. Just be sure to drop the '.full' extension, or copy the contents of it over the 'short' versions contents.

For any LAN IP-based server, it's highly recommended that you either:

1) Disable DHCP for your network card's and use a static address.

-- or --

2) If your router allows it, reserve a specific address for your network card's MAC ID.

This will alleviate any issues with 'floating' IP addresses.

Double-check your settings based on what configuration you chose and we'll go from there.

If you're working on a vm, that's beyond my kb and someone else will need to offer assistance.
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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