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Old 04-22-2015, 04:43 PM
provocating's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 2,175

The source zone creates a quest global for the destination zone to look for. You will have an invisible man in the destination zone looking for the quest global every so many seconds. This boat should sit at the zone line for 30~45 seconds for those slow zoners. This is why it is imperative for the boat zones to be completely static. Just setting a zone for static is not enough. With a zone just being static certain things just quit when the last person leaves the zone, like moving NPC's. I think the quest timers still tick if I remember correctly, but the boats will quit moving.

This trickiest one was the Maiden's Voyage. You have the skiffs to sync up with that go from Butcher to Timorous, then the Maiden goes from Timorous to Firiona Vie. To top it off the Maiden also stops at an island and waits on a little island boat. It was all done with globals and signals, but still tricky.
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