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Old 04-24-2015, 05:54 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 4
Default Eriviyn's future and you

Hey everyone!

As some of you may know, control of Eriviyn has been handed over to Kinglykrab. There have already been some changes to the way things work and plenty more are in store.

Some changes include:

Spells/disciplines no longer cost platinum
No more ambushes
No more donation window popping up every 30 minutes
No more paying Eriviyn tokens for buffs. These are all now given for free
It no longer takes 40-50 turn ins to get the Truthshard augment you're looking for. The new system allows you to pick the augment you want if you do not get one that fits the first time.
Instancing has been added to all raid content in Eriviyn with lockout timers to ensure no one is able to rush through raid content.
A boxing limit of 3 has been added. This was done before Drakiyth turned over control, but felt it should be mentioned anyway.

Kingly is open to suggestions/ideas about how to progress the server further. If you are someone who originally left Eriviyn due to lack of content, he has already agreed that more content will be added if the player base is there. If you've never given Eriviyn a look, why not hop on and try it out? Now is the best time as the server is getting a breath of fresh air. If you have any questions feel free to ask here or get on the server and shoot me a tell. I'll be happy to do my best to answer.

Hop on old players and new and give it a try.
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