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Old 04-25-2015, 05:04 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: United States
Posts: 1,589

Originally Posted by Atrus View Post
Congrats on handing off control to an 18 year old child who has, on many previous servers including this one, shown that he is purely motivated by the illusion of power that being a mod/GM/Guide gives him. You've been manipulated into handing creative control of your entire project over to a juvenile who goes server to server offering sub-par programming services in exchange for access he cannot be trusted with.

Did we all forget about the damage he has done to past EMU servers? Kildrukuan's Profecy where he littered random High Hold Keep NPCs with over powered weapons that his close player friends could go buy for 1 plat? Weapons that he told only certain people about which enabled even a level 1 toon to solo clear the Plane of Time in minutes which typically took a dozen players or more 3-4 hours to do?

Dude is corrupt, and he along with anyone working with him are suspect. You're all suspect. Goodluck to anyone playing here that put time into their characters on any project this cat has his greasy hands in.

Sounds like someone is a little bit angry, too bad your bloated bullshit of a lie is just that, a lie.
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