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Old 05-23-2015, 07:56 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 169

Originally Posted by Scorpious2k View Post
In my opinion, this is the EQEmulator equivalent of a "Nigerian Prince". Most likely staff from the server who have gotten new accounts simply to promote the server. I don't think you are fooling anyone, and at least in my case you do yourself more harm than good. I don't care how great the server is, if they have to resort to this kind of desperate act to get players I am not interested. Your server is forever tainted in my eyes because of this.

Just my opinion.

In what way is a player having enough fun to make a post about a server the equivalent to the well-known "Nigerian Prince" scam? Why are you posting something like this instead of being happy that people within OUR community enjoy themselves enough to post good things about a server on which they have played?

We are all on the same team, and I think not enough people realize this. You should know better than veiling an implication that I am creating new accounts to self-promote(who has time for this?), especially since the IP's of posters can be confirmed by administrators. Posting this makes us all look like assholes instead of people who care about a game enough to put hours and hours of work into it to share with other people. If someone from outside the community were to read this single post, I'd wager that they would turn around and find a different game to play. You should think about your mudslinging's impact on the community before you hit the submit button.