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Old 07-03-2015, 05:30 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: MN
Posts: 2,072

First and foremost, it's plastered right on the page:

I give no warranty for the use of this repack, and you use at your own risk. However you should not find yourself having issues with the approved machines listed above. By downloading, you recognize that these components are all open source and already downloaded within the repack.
Most people don't have an issue with the repack, some people here and there run into issues with the installer, and if you're one of them I apologize but its not an 'easy' fix to just recompile the server repack to try and fix something that I was not able to reproduce myself in testing in 3-4 different operating systems.

If you truly want to not affect your main machine, install a virtual machine and keep it jailed within that environment.

And, quite frankly, the alternative to the repack is actually doing everything from scratch, which for some people can take a week to figure out depending on how knowledgable and how well they are to deal with running into roadblocks and issues.

I'm sorry you had issues with the repack, but I don't make a repack to make peoples lives harder.
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