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Old 07-05-2015, 09:10 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: United States
Posts: 1,593

Originally Posted by Asylum View Post
Like myself, many of you enjoyed some of the wonderful features of GeorgeS' npc_loot_editor. I prefer to use it as I have already learned the ins and outs of it and can use if "offline" and not tied to a website like EOC. The only reason it no longer runs with the latest source (as of 7/5/15) is because the d_meele_texture1 and d_meele_texture2 column heading were corrected (spelling) to d_meele_texture1 and d_melee_texture2, respectively. In order to use the tools, just do the following:

Duplicate the two columns (actually rows) in the npc_types table d_melee_texture1 & d_melee_texture2 and name them d_meele_texture1 & d_meele_texture2.

The fields will remain empty and unused but their existance will allow the editor's exe to run. Your only restriction will be if you want to use those fields to have npc's show visible items/weapons in hand, edit them (the spelling corrected d_melee_texture#) using HeidiSQL or Navicat or whatever interface you have.

This works for the current link of programs on GeorgeS' site (as of 7/5/15).

Once again, thank you GeorgeS for making these tools.
This will break all NPCs in the game, as you're telling him to change a column that is referenced in the source code on multiple occasions and not actually telling him to change the source behind it. I'm not sure why people don't use EOC, it's a great system written for the sole purpose of being dynamic and easily updated.
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