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Old 07-18-2015, 06:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Burningsoul View Post
Leveled a monk to 30 here tonight - pretty decent, the one noob not knowing his ass from his elbow aside. Seems the progession kinda sucks though. I've done old-world levelling so much and being locked out of crystal caverns until I'm WAY past the level point of caring is a real buzzkill. Grinding through guk/soldung is so tired and played out. If I have to grind, let me grind is a zone that isn't the same old played-out p99 junk. Can only do oasis-mistmoore-guktop-gukbottom-solB so much.

Rant aside, I'm pretty sure the game gets split wide open at later levels, but after being on Roxxor's/Zarn/Leet/Last World/Akka's, old world prog is a real downer in the early levels.

Happy Edit - Bots (zone crashes aside) and Merc are a VERY welcome addition. Makes it not so mind-numbing. Again, I sound harsh here, and I'm pretty damned sure it'll be a blast later on. Pushing through is real grindy though.

Trying to give a bot a secondary-only weapon before being a dual-wield level crashes the zone, and I just crashed the zone again for no good reason - so tread lightly.
Most of those zones wouldn't be so bad if they simply changed the mobs around a lot from what they normally are and tweak some spawn locations pulls/splits themselves differently. I get what you mean though with p99 being a bit played out the whole thing is a bit static really. Comes a point where you need some more different and unexpected that adds new excitement and suspense. That's the one thing I liked and miss about UO it was such a player driven experience always sort of felt different every time you logged in to play.
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