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Old 07-26-2015, 10:56 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 297

This does not kick other clients from what I can tell as I had two separate accounts logged on separate machines.
It does, in fact, crash the zone if the clients are sharing it. Therefore, the statement I made above is incorrect if within the same zone. The above should read, for clarification "This kicks other clients when in the same zone but does not kick them when outside the zone where the transfer takes place."

I used the queries below to alter many/most of the items which had large stacksizes. After, I used the searches to alter individual items by changing items.stackable = 0 for items which were not stackable at an earlier time.

# stacksize item search
select distinct,,items.stacksize,items.slots,it ems.stackable from items
where stacksize > 20;

select distinct,,items.stacksize,items.slots,it ems.stackable from items
where stacksize > 19 and stacksize < 21 order by id;

select distinct,,items.stacksize,items.slots,it ems.stackable from items
where stacksize > 1 and stacksize < 21 and (name like '%block%' or name like '%brick%') order by id;

select distinct,,items.stacksize,items.slots,it ems.stackable from items
where stacksize > 1 and stacksize < 21 and (name like '%skin%' or name like '%pelt%') order by id;

# stacksize update
update items set stacksize = 20 where stacksize < 401 and stacksize > 19;
update itemstemp set stacksize = 20 where slots < 2099201 and slots > 2097151;
These were some of the first queries I wrote for changes made to the main DB I use to create my `expansions`. Forgive me if they are not the most efficient.

I don't keep the server up very often. It's up when I play/test or if I forget to turn it off. Shared_memory.exe is restarted often because of this.

I restart the server using this batch for EQEmu login:
@echo off
start world.exe
echo This should be played at high volume, preferably in a residential area...
ping -n 10 > nul
start queryserv.exe
start ucs.exe
start eqlaunch.exe zone
Thanks for the link and your help.
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