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Old 08-03-2015, 12:33 PM
knowom's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 371

Tweaked some stuff further made some adjustments to MSAA/FXAA though have FXAA disabled for now you can enable both, but it if anything all it does it make it a bit more blurry if MSAA is also enabled and separately that AA is better FXAA is better performance I think at the cost of IQ if I'm not mistaken.

I also enabled and adjust bloom a bit it's there, but set conservatively. Enabled and tweaked Lift Gain Gamma slightly just to enhance shadows and highlights lightly, but kept midtones neutral though you could always skew that +/- 5 to fine tune the results or go crazy adjust those settings I went for a fairly unobtrusive touch up to them.

Also set
#define Vibrance 0.10
awhile earlier, but may adjust it back to 0.20 to see how it looks now with the other adjustments that's more preference it makes it look warmer and less bleak basically though if set to high clips darker colors a lot.

Anyway here's current results on how my settings are looking.
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