Thread: Few questions
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Old 08-08-2015, 02:23 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 14
Default Few questions

iam working atm with the latest sourcecode and have few questions.

I have a custom pet system and some of the pets i summon cant be shrinked even if i changing the size in the database.
For example Lord Nagafan. I have tested it with shrink, tiny companion and also changed his size in the database from 6 to -1 but doesnt change anything.

In the Veteran AA Tab most is grayed out. I have looked into the table but not sure what values i need to change to make them avaible.
Iam using the underfood client and normaly when i play on other servers i can use veteran aa tab like lesson of devoted.

Is this normal that all mobs does pushback that much?
Seems to much for me that every mob is pushing liek crazy on every attack

Many thanks in advance!!
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