Thread: Epicemu
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Old 09-05-2015, 08:00 AM
N0ctrnl's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 443

You're going to have a hard time convincing a lot of people of how great that server is. Keep in mind Kegz has wiped that server like 3 times already. Every time his player base gets fed up with him, he shuts it down with some lame excuse. (The first time he was supposedly going to work for Sony, so he has to pull it down as part of a contract - lol) Then he'll bring it back up a few months later, blast out 5 or 6 emails to all the members of his forums, and start the whole fiasco over again.

Unless he's done some serious updating (judging by the same old website and download files, he hasn't), the codebase he's running on is ancient and it's clearly a butchered database. Mobs don't respawn, a bunch are just missing (axed as part of a spawn that was out of era, but nothing ever put back in its place in many cases), etc. It's possible that he has, but knowing him like we do, I highly doubt it.

None of this is to try and convince you of anything, but you should know that finding people could prove problematic for you because of the shenanigans that Kegz has pulled in the past.
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