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Old 09-08-2015, 05:56 PM
MajinCry's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Scotland
Posts: 33

Wellp, seeing as how there are no responses, I'll just use this 'ere thread to document my findings. Posterity and all that waffle-buffle.

There is a program by the name of EQ-Zip, located over here. What this program allows you to do, is open up the .eqg and .s3d files, allowing for the extraction of the various files within, such as .dds, .bmp, .ani and the like.

So that's one part of obtaining the game's resources settled; got us usable texture files.

Over on this page, there is a link to an archive which contains glmodelviewer.exe. What is interesting about that program, is that it allows you to view the individual models that make up the map. For example, if you load up the map abyss.eqg, the first object you see is that of a saddle.

So there is proof that it is possible to get the models individually from the map files.

Thing is, I can't figure out how to do that. There's probably a program kicking around that does this, but I've not managed to find it. Anybody able to weigh in on this?
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