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Old 09-20-2015, 06:47 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 297

Long read...

I agree with image and provocating. It is a huge undertaking. I'm just one guy with limited knowledge and there is enough within the database to consume unknown hours/days/weeks to alter to a previous time.

There is a certain segment of folks here who wish to have classic/progression content and I believe this segment is large enough to warrant a bit of organization.

I recently had a conversation with someone about this. Below are the edited parts which may have relevance to this topic. Maybe something here will entice others in some way:
I have other zones I intend to revamp with the same process. Coming up with the process took the most amount of time. It was a first for using queries in certain ways. The next revamp will take a fraction of the time, especially with good data.

I kick myself and SMH when I see myself and others working individually on our own projects. I understand the pride involved with working our asses off on these projects for whatever the reason.

I haven't reached out much until recently for something like sharing the workload. I haven't been confident enough in my abilities to pull my weight, until recently.

I don't know if I can offer anybody anything but, I am sick and tired of seeing other people do the same exact thing I am doing. It's totally pointless for me, or anyone else, to spend hours/days/weeks on stuff that has been done more than once when this is supposed to be a community.

Not trying to rant and I know my point may not be totally clear. As this pertains to you: I am trying to find the most accurate data from the classic era. I have an old axclassic database from I-don't-know-when. The DB is unfinished but it has enough good data to get started on several zones. We may have used the same DB.

I'm definitely not a "developer" in the professional sense. I went from basically zero knowledge to the little I have now. I don't know C++ yet, I couldn't create a quest (lua) script without looking at a similar script but, I can work with the database. I'm not a pro at it although I can actually do things that I had to put on the backburner in the past because I didn't know how to do them.

Now that I can do some of these things, I question whether or not I should do them. It's rewarding to know I can get this stuff done but...

I have an AXClassic DB from 4/7/14. I am unsure if that was the last update. I have cavedude's last peq dump (last February?) which is very close to what I have from about six months prior. I've updated the source and DB tables (~7/30/15) to accomodate the source and I am not looking to stray from that due to my limitations.

I enjoy taking data and putting it to use. Solving the problem to put it to use. It was gratifying to take the CT data from axclassic, for instance, and plug it in to the peq schema. It took quite a bit of data vetting, as I call it. But, after this I realized there is still a fair amount of work to fine tune the zone, not to mention what I will do with Feerrott. (I have ideas of what I could do to balance it to the revamped CT without a ton of work but, I appreciate continuity more than an easy fix)

Axclassic DB has, what appears to be, good data on droga/nurga. I will likely do the same with them.

A major concern is balancing the classic planes. I was not playing EQ more regularly until around luclin/PoP and I didn't raid. Data from peq seems good but, I don't have a frame of reference. I use P99 wiki as a source and whatever else I can find. The P99 wiki, in many places, is a copy/paste of data from peq so I question it's authenticity.

I'm not as concerned about post-classic data as much because there is more information out there about it. The EQLive devs in later expansions seemed to do more global changes to things which are much easier to identify.

I agree and getting it perfect does not consume me. I personally feel getting the classic data as accurate as possible is more important than anything else, as far as content/data goes.

I make what I call "expansion queries" which take data from the main DB (peq) to create specific "expansions". Currently, they do a pretty good job of separating the expansion and era-specific data. I added a few simple columns in the main DB which identify the expansion and in the "expansion settings" stage of these queries, use this setting to create what I call the "usable database" based on the criteria I put in the settings. I don't need to get the timeline 100% correct. For example, paineel came out around SolRo temple, I did not include paineel in my "planes" expansion. Epic 1.0 are with the "Hole" expansion, and so on.

I could explain the process more, because you probably know, it's not as simple as joining a few tables and setting conditions. At this point, the process is highly accurate. The process and the accuracy of the content depend completely on the few columns I added to a few tables.

It's not without flaws. I have found some and fixing a few of them while keeping continuity of content takes some thought and a fair amount of time.

I'm currently up to "luclin" (for a total of 7 different "usable" DB builds) and changing the queries for later expansions is usually a pretty simple endeavor. These builds are a one-click process from a current usable or live DB. I have original DB live and could make it luclin in five minutes and login and see the pretty new player models with my old SSoY X 2. =)

I'm not saying what I have set up is different or special, that's silly. I'm a rookie.

My interest in this ebbs and flows as I am sure it does with others. I don't have any expectations although I am impatient. I work on stuff I know I can do and try to learn in between.

There is kindof a web, a simple web (if that makes sense), of connections in my current DB linked through the queries. I haven't flushed out all the inconsistencies but it's still pretty good. The beautiful thing about it is, it's simple at it's core.
I am willing to share everything I have done. The original DB, the source and everything else has been shared with me. I won't claim what I have done is original, hasn't been done before or special in any way. I have spent a great deal of time on my project.
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