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Old 10-04-2015, 02:55 PM
provocating's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 2,175

I am "egobound" ? Not hardly.

You wanted to start this project, you started the thread, not me.

That entire PM, was sent you you in confidence. There again I do not send anything in a PM that I would be ashamed of. You are definitely not going about this endeavor of yours in a fashion that would encourage people to help you.

Several PM's you sent me were pretty narcissistic but I will not post these here in a public forum. Good luck on your project, I definitely will not be contributing to it. You are showing your true colors.

And yes you have to do it yourself. As I said before I have been faced with much negativity on my project but I stick to my guns on what I want. I put in countless hours of GM'ing, server maintenance, bug reports. I am not going to stop what I am doing to help you. No one stopped what they were doing to help me. As I said my server comes first above everything else except my day job.
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