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Old 10-14-2015, 08:09 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Hershey, PA
Posts: 499

Originally Posted by MarcusD View Post
From what I've gathered MOO was the backbone of Ultima Online, the sims and other games like that. MUD was the backbone of EQ, then blizzard somehow ripped off EQ it seems like to make WoW. Even if EQ wrote a new diku like MUD from scratch it is plainly obvious that EQ is a MUD at its core without a doubt. So MUD seems to be that really challenging combat mechanic wheras MOO is more social games. I would be interested to find out how SimCity/rollercoaster tycoon/incredible machine type of game started out.
Stop the presses. Someone let Don Daglow know that he was ripped off. DikuMUD was surely a copy of his Dungeon. But, maybe DikuMUD took some ideas from LOTRD, which in turn may have swiped ideas from my door game, seeing that I released mine 5 months before Seth released his. All this time I just shrugged it off and thought "a much nicer implementation" and even played it myself.

Maybe if I scrounge around I could find the old Pascal source to the door game and you could wrap a GUI around that?

The rage, delusions and such sure are entertaining though.
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