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Old 11-28-2015, 06:39 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 46
Default Database<->spells_us.txt mismatch

Using the PEQ Editor (linked from EOC 2.0), I exported my spells_new table to a spells_us.txt file. Unfortunately, the files have a different number of columns.

The database and newly exported file both have 237 columns:

732^Ice Comet^PLAYER_1^^^^Your skin is rent by massive shards of deadly ice.^'s skin is rent by massive shards of deadly ice.^^200^0^0^0^5000^1500^1500^0^0^0^203
The former spells_us.txt I had (copied from my Titanium directory) has 215.
732^Ice Comet^PLAYER_1^^^^Your skin is rent by massive shards of deadly ice.^'s skin is rent by massive shards of deadly ice.^^200^0^0^0^5000^2500^2250^0^0^0^203
When I use the titanium file, spell particles work.

When I use the newly exported file, no spell particles work. The spells are still properly identified, however my character simply waves his hands around wildly after the cast bar runs it's course and the enemy falls over dead, like we're both terrible LARPers on LSD.
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