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Old 12-05-2015, 10:16 PM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

Something else to take in to consideration, on that server list, with many of the low
population ones you see, which show an average of 1-3 players, some people put
these servers together without a priority for the public. Some will set a server up
to simply let their friends and/or relatives login to play. One can have their own
private login server, but it can be a lot easier for some to just link their private server
in to the EQEmu site.
But some server owners are developing their individual servers with a focus on their
own preferences of what kind of server they want. Some will definately listen to
suggestions if they have a priority of populating their server, but it's not like a little
restaurant. You won't see a pizza/pasta place start serving chinese food because a
few customers suggested it.
My server is not going have a whole bunch of uber features, which help people level
to max in a week. Think how eq live was 10 years ago, and thats what my restaurant is
serving. (smirk)
But in the end "The Bottom Line" - Its all free for the players. Nothing to complain
about. Its not, however, free for the server owners who work at populating a server.
VM's Data Centers, Servers, Bandwidth, it all costs money and these owners are
dishing it out of their own pockets. I only pay out an extra $35/month to run my
server, but even then, I can not populate it with a major amount of players. Maybe
40'ish tops concurrent, but anymore, then I would have to look at more money.
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