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Old 12-09-2015, 05:24 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Tacoma, WA
Posts: 224
Default Generic Server setup - Cannot enter Guild LOBBY

Riklin from Halls Havoc here. After setting up a progression server, we had (10-1 players at first, it quieted down and after several weeks of no one logging in except for the usual accidental logins, I decided to flatten and restart as a normal legit server, with mercs. I am having a lot of problems getting it to run this time though.

For database, I am using peqbeta_2015-08-12-02-01. I'm doing the usual setup, of creating PEQ, then sourcing peqbeta.sql and sourcing player_tables.sql. I then run the mercs setup script.

For code, I do the usual git pull, then svn quests and maps as usual. I use cmake, same version as specified in setup guide. Compiler is visual studio 2013. In the past, this is how I used and ran my 3 preceding servers. It had occasional issues, usually involving not using the correct components (wrong version of perl usually). I have compiled this with 32 bit code, using the 32 bit dependencies. I received no compile errors.

I even went as far as to replace the eqemu_config.xml file and start.bat file with the recommendations from the setup guide.

What is happening is this. When I start the server, the usual update script kicks in. I do the usual updates, then the server starts. shortly after the dynamic zones start, I get a zone.exe error. I tried recompiling this with x64 mode with x64 dependencies, again no compile errors , dropping, creating and sourcing a new instance of the database. I still get the same zone.exe error.

One final time I created a new instance of peq, started up the server, then when using the update script, I ran all the exe/dll/anything including the kitchen sink, options, and I am now able to load and create characters.

The main problem I am now running in to is that from Plane of Knowledge, no characters can enter the Guild Lobby. A GM character can use #zone 344 to zone in to the guild lobby, can even zone out, but no character can zone in to the guild lobby. I even created a guild, and attempted to log in with a guilded character and no luck.

The client I am using is the same one I've been using for a long time - Underfoot.

I have done several different searches regarding guild lobby entry issues and they usually involve the RoF problem or inability to login to the guild Hall. This is not that. This is attempting to click on the guild lobby doors from Plane of Knowledge.

Any guesses as to what to try now?
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