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Old 12-11-2015, 10:36 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by satora54 View Post
"And your track record is rather dirty due to the completely catastrophic failures of servers that you have had before due to lack of determination, dedication, and your staff not working well together."

"literally, can take a free photo editing program and add fancy text and anyone can use #npcspawn create to make 4 nearly identical NPCs"

"is there a unique draw, something no one else has done? Are there donations? Are there bots? Is there boxing? Please explain more than what you have if you plan on having any sort of player base."

Hilarious coming from you Zamthos, I mean Kingly. Absolutely hilarious.
Whether or not he's Zamthos, I don't know. You don't even have to look at that. A solo server in the past, name escapes me, was hosted by him for about a week after the owner left it to him for a bit, Kingly left without warning, without a trace no release of anything at all. Drakiyth entrusted Eriviyn to him, and he hosted that for a whole 3 hours because he said he wasn't dedicated to it. He tried bringing up his own server just recently, and that also disappeared without a trace. Let us not also forget he hops around servers like candy and then these servers disappear.