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Old 12-31-2015, 07:03 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ihatemyself View Post
I installed it on a fresh VM running Windows 7 Pro 64bit with every available Windows Update installed.

The main installation seems to have gone off without a hitch, but when I try to install the login server ( ) I get stuck immediately after typing in 13.

Part of the reason may be this: I don't know how to run the file as an administrator. How do I do that? Shift+right click doesn't work.

Edit: Before I forget, thank you for making this. It will be the closest I've come to having a working EverQuest server to run around with a couple of friends.

Edit2: Okay, I ran it as administrator (command prompt as administrator, C:\Perl\bin>perl C:\EverQuestServer\ and it seems to have worked after hitting enter at "Fetching Loginserver". I let it sit for 20 minutes previously and nothing happened, but that just may be a coincidence.

I would say add the command prompt as admin to the wiki for people like me who are slow Also...if we are running a local login server, I assume we need to use t_start_server_with_login_server.bat to start up the server from that point forward?
That would be correct, however I'll probably have the loginserver just install with everything else so there is no work involved other than just running the initial batch script.
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