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Old 01-08-2016, 04:17 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Lurking in KY
Posts: 239

I find that best times are when the game is complete throughout all levels, not just endgame.
I do not consider the low/middle game to be a barrier, but rather a place for the developers to tell a story and to allow the player to tell theirs.

But I am just an old RPer.

It is my belief that any server that only develops endgame content should just go ahead and start people off at the highest level.
If you need them to learn the class, just set up a zone where they can practice safely.

I want to play the entire game, not just three or four zones.
Sadly, too few follow my ideal path.
For this, I must change my own game style to accommodate the limitations.
I went fishing for answers and caught a WIKI.
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