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Old 04-06-2016, 04:28 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: MN
Posts: 2,071

I'll leave this post up, because apparently you're too moronic to realize that this 'leak' doesn't 'leak' anything.

Your childish obsession with Rogean and conspiracy theories is fucked and you really need to get some mental help.

You also need to realize that there are better things to do with your life than to obsess over pixels day in and day out, this is pathetic.

I don't care if Rogean RMT'ed, pulled in donation money and then proceeded to go to Vegas for weeks on end while he did fat lines of coke and played hotel games with a party of hookers, it really has no concern to your insane level obsession over non-existent issues.

Get a life.
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