Thread: It is time...
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Old 05-25-2016, 12:00 PM
Drakiyth's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 549

Originally Posted by chrsschb View Post
Stop giving a fuck, the people here are blowing this way out of proportion. If you're worried make sure to credit the artists/licensor at the least. If you receive a cease and desist then be prepared to drop the images. You could always contact the artists and ask for permission to use (a handwritten letter/email is usually more than sufficient). And at worst be ready to find a reputable artist to create some unique artwork for your server. For my company the first thing I did when I branched out on my own was to make sure I owned every resource I used. It's really not worth doing this for a free-to-play, non-profit hobby. So the risk (which is fairly small) is worth it.

Like I mentioned previously it's not worth litigation as there is no damage. A cease and desist is cheap and easy. If you were slandering the company or profiting from their work then yeah be prepared for full wrath of their lawyers.

That's exactly how I feel and why I have done these honestly. I like your idea of crediting the artist and putting that I do not own this picture and it is being used solely for a fun non-profit project. I'll take the time to find the artists and put that up on my posts. I appreciate the feedback. Especially coming from somebody who knows what they are talking about from personal experience. The only reason I didn't credit them before is because it's a forum not a game. But I see how including their name is just the right thing to do in general.

I do alter their pictures considerably with adobe so it fits my theme as well. But I guess if I credit them it doesn't matter.


This is what I will be putting down for all art I use on my forums. I appreciate people bringing this up because I want for nothing more than to make RuinSpire a fun and stress free place to play.

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