Thread: Wizard Portals
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Old 06-10-2016, 09:42 PM
DanCanDo's Avatar
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Above Hell
Posts: 400

I used a spell editor on the port spells for druids and wizards, mostly for those older
versions of zones. The 'commonlands' port spells point towards west commonlands.
They all work pretty good with the druid and wizzy bot ^port commands.
When I was editing the spells, I was also trying out actual player port spells for
druids and wizards. I know the first couple times, trying to use the player port
to commonlands, it sent me to the ecommons tunnel. But that's when I realized,
there is no "commons" port spell for west commons. It was the "commonlands"
port that had to be directed to where I wanted to go.
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