Thread: Enabling Mercs?
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Old 06-27-2016, 08:36 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 19

Hey Gothmonk! Don't know if you still need help, but I finally figured out how to get bots working after some digging / research and help from Uleat and Kaless59 via PMs.

First off, bots aren't currently set up with Akka's installer (which is amazing! btw), so you have to recompile the binaries / source and copy / paste them over the current ones in your eqemu folder. Basically, I had to follow a few pieces of the guide from here

Follow the steps to download the Git program, Visual Studios, and CMake. Then follow the steps about creating a folder called source and go from there until it discusses copying the files over. I didn't copy all of the ones listed, because I didn't want to overwrite my quests / maps / logs, etc... but almost all the others I did. After that you're done with following that guide.

Then you'll need to go to and source that into your db.

Afterward, you'll need to add this in your db via query

ALTER TABLE db_version ADD bots_version int(11) DEFAULT '0' AFTER version;

Then change the value from 0 to 9007

Then run Eqemu_update program in your folder and hit #4.

After that, you should be good to go!
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