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Old 08-13-2016, 03:10 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: terra firma
Posts: 131

i think you are a bit off thinking that making travelling harder will increase use of wizard's and druid's ports and somehow boost your economy. that assumes you will have enough of a population to make that viable. that's not likely to happen. your concepts of supply demand aren't completely wrong (mba-finance), but they just don't apply to an eq server with a handful of players.

in my experience with wow private servers, you need at least a hundred consistent players to make an economy worth your time to invest in. otherwise a smarter person can make money more effieciently elsewhere, and will likely do so. p99 could have a vibrant economy if they didn't cling to the past on things that weren't planned out well in 1998 (in this case a bazaar of some sort or allowing players to set up a trader and log out). i'm not sure about peq, it depends on how much of that population is a "box."

some exceptions i'm sure exist. if a small population have enough "power players" for a long enough time as one example. they stop playing and your economy takes a dump, though... not a long-term situation.

side note:
i am truely curious why some people have such an aversion to limiting travel in a video game. it's a constant thing i read. auto-running for 10-30mins is not playing a game. it's boring. it's mundane. it's even crappy(read: old) graphics in eq, lol. one way of doing things limits all other ways that people enjoy the game, another way of doing things lets people do what they want when it comes to travel. exlcusive for ?what? reason vs inclusive that doesn't alienate any way of playing the game... unless you have petty jealousy of people using pok books... if that's the case, then you must not like travelling the old way, lol.
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