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Old 08-15-2016, 09:01 AM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: United States
Posts: 1,589
Default Kinglykrab's Server (WIP)

Hello everyone, I'd like to announce that I do have a new server in the works. Currently the server is online and is in a state I can call nothing more than a pre-Alpha. Absolutely nothing you will see when you log in is finalized or is what the server may be once development begins.

Between work and attempting to maintain a social life I will be needing the assistance of a couple of people. If anyone is interested in assisting with content development, let me know. I'm not looking for anything specific, you can be a beginner or a seasoned content developer. As the content developer you will be responsible for spawning the zones.

Just a tid bit of information so you guys aren't left hanging:
  1. All loot will be Perl-based and completely dynamic, allowing for random bonus loot events.
  2. Statistics will matter (STR will give proportional melee damage, CHA will give proportional heal bonuses, etc.).
  3. Boxing will be limited to 3.
  4. Bots will be disabled.
  5. MacroQuest will be allowed, which includes warping. AFK Botting will not be allowed and any proof of this will be a permanent ban, no exceptions.
  6. Lore tags will be removed.
  7. Items will no longer be attuneable.
  8. Platinum will play a huge part in the progression.
  9. Custom currencies will be utilized in tier zones to buy components to forge your armor/weapon.
  10. The maximum level will be 70.
  11. Corpse runs will be eliminated.
  12. #peqzone will be accessible.
  13. There will be a hub zone including a couple useful/cosmetic NPCs.
    • Buff NPC (costs level-based Platinum)
    • Teleporter NPC
    • Title/Surname NPC
    • Banker
    • Various Progression Quest NPCs
  14. Skills, spells, and disciplines will be auto-maxed upon level up.
  15. Pets will have a menu containing some useful options:
    • Pet renaming
    • Pet scaling
    • Pet summoning (for when they get lost following you)
  16. Donations will not be available upon server release.
I'm sure my list doesn't contain everything people want to know, so feel free to voice your questions or concerns below.

Thanks for reading!
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