Thread: New Server Idea
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Old 09-28-2016, 01:26 AM
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: us
Posts: 201

Originally Posted by gravystain View Post
My thought to combat this would be to simply have a rule set put in place. If your group kills a mob, its your groups loot. If your guild kills a raid mob, its your guilds loot. Anything outside of that is FFA. If someone wants to sell raid loot to a buyer, I'd encourage 10 other people to go try to pick themselves up some nice raid loot. This should create a lot of risk for buyers and hopefully destroy any market for such transactions.
I'm not quite geting this, how can you set rules like that? You could have them written but unless you can set them into the server its no good. The only way to totally mitigate it while keeping things not level restricted is to make every drop FFA. I don't think there is a way to mandate that only group or guild can loot corpses even if you could a twink could just be sitting in group. I think the real answer is FFA looting but that could cause lots of openings for griefing, someone following you around and ninja looting your corpses. Basically then I feel like I would need to open up pvp as another check and balance.
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