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Old 10-03-2016, 04:04 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 70

I'd like to add one more thing to this.

Trade skills were never really integrated with EQ like they have been in other games.

But think of the player base and what they have to go through. It's just about guaranteed that you won't have a large player base with a stocked bazaar let alone an EC tunnel.

So any tradeskills, and they are required for a number of quests, have to be done with people manually farming, and in many cases leveling other tradeskills up so they can support the actual one of interest.

Please don't go all classic and get rid of the recipe list that was integrated with the containers. Or god forbid mandate carpal tunnel for all the freaking combines you will have to do because you need to quest the Arx Key, or the Earring of the Solstice. Well the Arx key isn't too bad, but that earring thing requires high levels in a number of skills if you don't have other crafters. And the Coldain Prayer Shawl is pretty tough too.
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