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Old 10-27-2016, 01:56 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Indianapolis
Posts: 228

The disadvantage to dynamic zones is this:

If you have a named mob you want to kill that has a minimum chance to spawn every four hours that also has a placeholder with a zone shutdown delay of one hour, you could essentially check the zone every hour in the hopes that the named is up without having to kill the placeholder. Granted, the zone has very little foot traffic to prevent the zone from staying open/active.

With a static zone, let's say the placeholder is up. It will STAY up indefinitely until someone kills it. Thus not allowing lazy players to cycle-check the zone.

The solution? You'd want the dynamic zone shutdown delay to match or exceed the longest timed mob that has a placeholder in the zone in order to behave more static and live-like. I know it was an example, but an hour shutdown delay won't always do it for the crafty loot-seeker. Which basically means you'll need a custom shutdown delay for every zone you don't want this happening in.
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