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Old 11-19-2016, 08:08 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Canada
Posts: 3
Red face Can anyone recommend a server?

I'm looking to play around with my wife some. I had previously enjoyed the Irreverent (Solo) server and am looking for a similar experience, something where we can duo the majority of the content (without boxing).
EZ server is not a good fit, since I am more interested in giving her a mostly-legit experience.
We don't have a ton of time to play, so while grouping is an option, I'd like to find a server where we can access most of the content, including traditional raid content, with just the two of us.
Does anybody have any suggestions?

On a side note, any advice on class would be appreciated. She has her heart set on Beastlord, but I am comfortable in any role and would like to pick something that complements her choice. My gut instinct is that the flexibility of a druid should go well with a BST but obviously the specifics of the server you good folks recommend will influence that choice.

Thanks in advance to anybody who takes the time to comment!
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