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Old 02-27-2017, 11:07 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 70

Originally Posted by Arkhural View Post
Last but not least is what most of us consider the granddaddy of all tomes and pretty much one of the biggest defining things on our little slice of server. "The Tome of Creation" These things drop maybe about one every two weeks, so they are not common but they are attainable.
Allows for the creation of a custom item we have a whole list of rules and such for there making but they allow an unparalleled amount of creativity.
We have enchanters with feign death,necros with compleate heal, druids with slow, This item can allow rangers to dps with bows without having to add 5 expansions.
That's really the only hook your server has. The possibility of being clever and coming up with some item that allows you to exist and have an interesting play experience on a server where on the end you are going to be soloing for the most part.

But apparently that is already being nerfed:

"Blacklisted Effects
Feign Death
Resurrection effects
Harm Touch
Lay on Hands

Greylisted Effects
Mage or Necro Pets
Bard songs
Charm spells
Cannibalize effects (if you want one, go get a mana stone)
Twitch effects

Additionally, some classes will be itemized slightly differently for different things. This is also not an inclusive list that will be updated over time.

Paladins and shadowknights will have a increased damage/delay ratio on 1h weapons. Additionally, they will have access to some procs others may not. Stronger lifetap procs for shadowknights and heals for paladins.

Rangers can get better summonable arrows.

Bards will receive better stats on weapons outside of damage/delay"

So what's the attraction? What's the angle? There were a ton of freaky ratio weapons in Velious for the Knight classes. Didn't change a thing in Luclin for even the very few that could get them.

Give me some examples of how I can take a halflling warrior and level him up. Not minding groups, but for most of his life that won't be in the cards. Tell me what item I can make that will make a big difference if I am lucky enough to get this tome.
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