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Old 03-06-2017, 09:39 PM
The_Beast's Avatar
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Under a rock
Posts: 290

I wasn't around for this rivalry, but since you're doing dirty laundry in public, I will try to catch the rinse cycle here.
Don't know either of you two, but this is what myself (and maybe others) might see, "looking in from the outside",
1. Experienced dev helps someone with the work in developing a server.
2. Same dev helps with the GM work and decides to be extra nice to players. (maybe to help provide a friendly enviroment?)
3. Server owner shows his gratitude by saying "See ya, thanks for all your help, hope you're not disappointed"
4. Dev walks away feeling used and server owner is confused while he waits a year and a half to apologize.

But we can only go by what we just read. So far, seems like normal human behavior to me. Waiting for the spin cycle .....
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