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Old 05-25-2017, 03:17 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 4

Nagafen's lair is a great one I am having fun on, it is currently down (First time in 3 days since I started). Leveling is about perfect (lvl 39 after 6ish hours of play) to enjoy and attain gear. It is soloable until PoP from what I understand but you can box and there have been some people playing.

The only thing I wasn't keen on is you have to unlock expansions, so you will have to level in classic. I was looking forward to hunting in kaesora, tower of frozen shadow while it would reward me but I believe the unlock is account wide so once you do your alts will have access.

Hope it comes back on xD you never know with emulator but I have seen it online for about 6 months I just never tried it.
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