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Old 06-05-2017, 05:58 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 20

Originally Posted by titofuentes View Post
I'm fairly new to the server. I played on p99 and p2002 at various times but RL always takes precedence. I just went and looked at the welcome to pages for p2002 and gates of time. They are similar but nowhere near close to word for word. Whoever thinks that might need to look into reading comprehension or glasses. SMH
Really? Reading comprehension or glasses huh? Blatant rip-off. So lets see the order of events here. So p2002 takes the code from TakProject, rebrands it their own and there was a ton of crap over that. Now you guys take the frontpage of p2002 and rebrand it as yours. Yeah, you can say what you want but at least 30% of the page is verbatim word for word. Bring it up in something like BeyondCompare and you can see the similar wording. So now someone has stolen something from p2002. I see a trend. Hey there is nothing wrong with using something with permissions but did the server op ask? According to the post on gatesoftime, Lance was quite pissed about you guys taking his frontpage.

Hey everyone is using the hard work of the developers here, Akkadius, KLS, Mack all put hard work in but you had better not start saying you wrote all of this. People probably would not mind if you emailed them and say "Hey can I use this?". But taking it without asking them because you are pissed, that is just not right. Oh and do not mind changing it at this point, believe me it is cached everywhere and easily retrievable.