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Old 09-14-2017, 11:13 AM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,107

Originally Posted by merlinsghost View Post
P2002 is not very populated, they can barely get 150 characters on at the same time and that may sound like a decent number but 20 or so are bazaar vendor characters, 10-20 are just afk sitting in pok all day and since p2002 is a 3 box server and 90%+ of the pop box they are lucky if they get 40-50 RL players on at the same time, not to mention the Admins there are part of the top guild (go figure right) and if you check their allaclone site there is a magelo link, if you click on that and then search powerslave and look at some of their main people, like Tollen (who is also a admin for p2002 discord) they got GM only illusions in their ammo slots, no other guild has anyone with that stuff (go figure again right). They will probably claim GM event BS just like they tried covering up their low pop numbers when someone posted on another site about how low it was, they the very next day toke their population counter down from their main page. Again, let me guess it just stopped working all of a sudden again right. If you dont mind playing on a server that has less then 50 ACTUAL ppl and corrupt owners that dumb down boss for their guild and then once they are done farming that boss do changes to make them harder so the only other REAL raiding guild has trouble killing it so they dont have real competition then p2002 is for you, of course you'll get the fanboys denying this (what few there are) but go ahead and check for yourself if u like, dont take my word for it, pretty easy to find all this stuff out just by searching other forums, even their own.

This is completely accurate.

Big reason why I /deleted all of my characters.
"No, thanks, man. I don't want you fucking up my life, too."

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