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Old 11-05-2017, 07:41 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: MA
Posts: 1,164

Originally Posted by Uleat View Post
I found it last night and you'll be happy to know (demonstar) that it isn't a major issue concerning client translators.

It's a client behavior change that occurred post-SoF client.

Apparently, we set this condition in the Mob class constructor:
flymode = FlyMode3;
..but, the newer (SoD+) clients ignore 'walking' sound loops when anything other than FlyMode0 is selected.

Fixing it is not as simple as changing the constructor value to '0' because that can bring other problems into play. (fish walking underwater comes to mind...)

It can be overridden to '0' in the client translators..but, the same issues come into play as with the constructor change.

I tested SoD and RoF2 and the walking sounds are present with the FlyMode0 value.

I guess, with the other modes, they were too 'light on their feet' to make any noise?
There are actually new flymodes too!

I just copied the MQ2 enum just so it was documented :P
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