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Old 11-19-2017, 11:05 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Wichita Falls, Tx
Posts: 36

Update: fixed the "Unknown DB string xxx" problem. I wound up using the server files from

I thought I'd tried the dbstr and spells_us files already (I use the underfoot client), but there were also 2 files that needed to go into the resources folder. I don't remember doing anything that would have changed these from when I actually played on the agnarr emu server, but apparently something was changed along the way. Using all their files with the exception of eqhosts.txt resolved the issue I was having.

Also, someone messaged me and said that MQ2 discussion might not be permitted. My apologies. I thought it was condoned here since most of the servers allow it with varying sets of rules to make multiboxing easier.

I also stuck <localaddress>ip</localaddress> just below <loginserver2></loginserver2>. Will give that a try and report back.

Edit: Was trying the <localaddress> thing because after a while, my response time with the server increases from 30ms to nearly 30,000ms (full 30 second delay). I usually have 21 characters logged in. This happened even with the <localaddress> bit in the eqemu_config.xml file in the place I specified above. The response time sits at about 100ms with 21 toons logged in, but after a while, will suddenly start climing from 100 to 900, then 1500, 5000, 19000, and usually stop climbing somewhere between 27000 and 29000. I am not sure if I am triggering this problem or not. The last time it happened, I had just issued an MQ2 command on the GM character. This could have triggered it or it could have been nothing but a coincidence. Won't know without experimenting further. Just updating here in case someone already has an answer.

Edit2: I issued a /bcaa //gate command to make 20 toons all try to gate at once. Usually this is broken in such a way that it just causes the toon to rezone to the current zone in the current location. The idea was to make them all rezone and see if that fixes the problem with the long response time to/from the server. For some reason, on the bards (bound in gfay by default), /gate actually works and sends them to gfay. All toons that were bound in PoK by the soulbinder were kicked to the server select screen when I did the mass gate. The bards wound up in gfay with 30ms response times from the server.

This is also taking up quite a bit of memory. I am not sure that that would contribute to long response times, but when I had 21 logged in, I noticed my machine was using 26.5GB of memory. I have 32GB in this machine. The server runs in a VM on the same machine. Most of the eqgame.exe instances are using about 732MB of memory. EQ instances only account for 15GB of the memory being used. The rest is other garbage running on the machine (firefox, excel, vmware, etc...) The CPU (an i5 @ 3.4GHz) is not being beaten to death or anything. With a toon zoning here and there, I was seeing 15-24% usage.
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