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Old 11-19-2017, 09:47 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: MN
Posts: 2,072

It sounds like you are experiencing packet loss. These symptoms occur when the server starts having to re-transmit packets to many clients at once and the ping/latency response from the client perspective rises.

If you're doing this on the same machine through VM etc. you may want to investigate potential bottlenecks or other things going on. Again we have folks who zone 50+ toons on our higher player-base servers and there are 0 issues unless their connection is experiencing packet loss, these sorts of symptoms occur where eventually they completely desync or things get sluggish.

18 clients - my suggestion as well is to use all the filters you can on your boxes, not MQ2 filter, but the client filters. These client filters are pushed up to the server and the server will not send you the packets for those messages, that can heavily reduce spam/resends in combat scenarios etc. If you were doing lots of combat and then you tried to zone not long after something like this that would cause your problem. Another client side thing that you should make sure you're doing as well is making sure that /log is disabled - this is a huge performance hit to the client and I wouldn't ever have it enabled unless you really need to log something


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