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Old 12-13-2017, 11:49 PM
Splose's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 279

if looking for an easy answer and that's a command prompt command to check if there are any syntax errors in your scripts. Can also use this webpage for that

Also.. Use this, you'll have to fix the item id's but this'll cut down on a lot of space.. also when you're doing a turnin npc always put the return items at the bottom of the script so if players hand it some random shit it wont eat it.

# Zone: The Plane of Knowledge (poknowledge) >> Magus_of_the_Planes (2000032)
	if ($text=~/hail/i) {
		quest::say(	"Can you feel it $name? The Faceless One, the Prince of Hate, and the ever watchful eye of the Wurmqueen! ".
					"Their powers swell. Imagine what us mortals could do with such power! $name, you must gather their ".
					"[".quest::saylink("essence")."] for me. I would [".quest::saylink("reward")."] you greatly for such ".
					"a treacherous task. If you are willing to undertake this endeavor, let me know when you are [".
					quest::saylink("ready")."], and I will send you to the planes.");
	elsif ($text=~/essence/i) {
		quest::say(	"The power of the Gods themselves. Their never ending life force. Enter their realms and confront each. ".
					"Kill their physical forms and drain the essence from their bodies. Make haste $name, you will not have ".
					"much time to escape the planes before the Gods will manifest once again in thier physical form.");
	elsif ($text=~/reward/i) {
		quest::say(	"Yes your reward. I will create five shards out of the essences, from which I will grant you one. This ".
					"shard will have the ability to greatly enhance your equipment.");
	elsif ($text=~/ready/i) {
		quest::say(	"I am glad to hear it. Where shall I send you? [".quest::saylink("Plane of Hate")."], ".
					"[".quest::saylink("Plane of Fear")."], or the [".quest::saylink("Plane of Sky")."]?");
	elsif ($text=~/Plane of Hate/i) {
	elsif ($text=~/Plane of Fear/i) {
	elsif ($text=~/Plane of Sky/i) {

	my %rewards = (
		"Warrior" => 135015,
		"Cleric" => 135015,
		"Paladin" => 135015,
		"Ranger" => 135008,
		"Shadowknight" => 135015,
		"Druid" => 135022,
		"Monk" => 135029,
		"Bard" => 135015,
		"Rogue" => 135008,
		"Shaman" => 135008,
		"Necromancer" => 135001,
		"Wizard" => 135001,
		"Magician" => 135001,
		"Enchanter" => 135001,
		"Beastlord" => 135022,
		"Berserker" => 135008
	if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 147514 => 1, 147515 => 1, 147516 => 1)) {
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