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Old 12-25-2017, 03:42 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
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Posts: 2,072


I just ran through a LTS 16 install again with no issues - no compile errors.

Your error is incredibly generic and doesn't have anything to do with the source failing to compile so my assumption is that it is system specific.

If you Google: "c++: internal compiler error: Killed" you'll find articles that you're running out of RAM, I'd bump that up and try compiling again

Is there an updated list of instructions for setting up a server on Linux? I think doing the steps individually as opposed to using the automated script might make it easier to know where something is going wrong or doing something unexpected.
As of right now no, we will refresh Linux manual install instructions in the early 2018 doc refresh that we have planned

As of this date the installer for Linux has been used 900+ times to completion

Try making those adjustments and try again
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