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Old 07-06-2018, 03:37 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
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Originally Posted by fzzzty View Post
A wiki is definitely your best bet. Confluence is the best, but it's not free, so GitHub is probably the next best thing. I'll definitely help out with this as I'm learning and really finding very little useful information out there...
Confluence is garbage, I wrote the Wiki engine we used for 5 years which we've been moving content off of onto Github

I'd like to finish my last iteration of my Wiki engine but my work in the Valley has me way too busy to do so, so I put a full stop on it in the meantime and Github is plenty fine

I've scoured the internet for the years and I know just about every documentation system out there. I recently looked at some newer alternatives such as - the guys from France launched v2 of their platform and while it has a lot of very solid elements, its too bug ridden for me to even work with right now. Github is not perfect but it has everything that we need and we'll just have to deal with it because we have a lot of things to get moved over from our older knowledge bases and also refresh on. We've been making a lot of strides recently.

A lot of us working on this project are very slim on time, but I will be knocking out a handful of articles here and there depending on how time permits. There have been a handful of other people who have been putting in good efforts as well. What we have populated so far is looking really good. If you are willing to help, hit us up in #docs-chat on Discord
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